Recommended Books
These are the books I've read and I believe have helped me develop my skills and my career. They are in an order I'd also recommend based on development.

The Pragmatic Programmer
I found this to have a very clear message about building practical code with a lot of very relevant tips.
Publisher: The Pragmatic Bookshelf

Clean Code
I found this book to have many practical examples on how to structure and write code to be read. I found it became repetitive though, so don't worry about the length.
Publisher: Pearson

Cracking the Coding Interview
A great book with examples of typical algorithmic style interview questions. This then leetcode.
Publisher: Career cup

Introduction to Algorithms
A reference book (don't read cover to cover) for algorithms and data structures.
Publisher: MIT Press

Effective Python
I mostly work in Python and this is a great book of tips and techniques.
Publisher: Pearson

Effective Typescript
I prefer Typescript over Javascript and this is a great book of tips and techniques.
Publisher: O'Reilly

Building Microservices
A great practical introducion to the microservices pattern (for large teams).
Publisher: O'Reilly

SQL Performance Explained
SQL is great, but it can take a lot of learning to understand its performance.
Publisher: Markus Winand

INSPIRED: How to Create Tech Products Customers Love
The definition of product management.
Publisher: Wiley

How to win friends and influence people
Timeless practical advice on how to interact with people.
Publisher: Vermilion

The Phoenix Project
How to manage projects, see also the Goal (similar book but not tech focused).
Publisher: IT Revolution

The Toyota Way
Best book I've ever read. How to run processes, how to focus (eliminating waste), and many practical techniques.
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education